I support human resource managers with the development of training materials – from specific modules of leadership programmes to role plays with a strategic or behavioural challenge.
With extensive experience as a corporate actor, I understand what kind of information both actor and participant need in a brief, and what kind of conflicts or questions trigger the behaviour needed to evaluate specific competences.
Some examples have included devising content for the motivation module of a leadership programme for Saybolt (part of Core Laboratories), which services the energy industry; role plays focusing on internal collaboration for TNT; role plays for an intercultural training with real estate investment company Redevco; or role plays to practise interviewing techniques during a training on case writing at Erasmus University.
I have designed workshops on the following areas:
- Presentation coaching
- Intercultural communication and competence: Many approaches to intercultural communication focus on the skills needed to navigate through cultural differences; some, in our ever more globalised and virtual world, may have redefined the conceptualisation of culture beyond one’s passport. I don’t throw the baby out with the bath water (so I draw from many theories), but my approach is that you cannot separate one’s culture and core personality, and that only by understanding one’s true self alongside the belief and values system that shapes how and what you think can you really understand what’s going on when you cross the border.
- Preparing master’s students for role play assessments in the job applications process: More and more companies use assessments to choose successful candidates. I have worked on a range of recruitment programmes and am aware of typical pitfalls, and the type of skills and qualities employers are looking for.
- In rhythm with your values: In 2018, I joined forces with colleague actor-trainer and former HR manager Justin Pratt to develop a workshop on the link between illness and company conflicts. We help individuals identify the values important to them behind the symptoms and the hurt, and prompt them to give a positive twist to their insights.